Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Top 10 Worst Recruiting Videos
The Top 10 Worst Recruiting VideosThe Top 10 Worst Recruiting VideosHeres a glorious Friday time-waster for you, a collaboration between myself and my colleague Derek Loosvelt over at In the Black. Were proud to present the 10 worst recruiting videos in the history of the human species10 Worst Recruiting Videos of All Time
Saturday, November 23, 2019
11XX - Pilot Field - Commisioned Officer AFSCs
11XX - Pilot Field - Commisioned Officer AFSCs11XX - Pilot Field - Commisioned Officer AFSCsThe Pilot Utilization Field encompasses all functions performed by rated pilot officers to conduct or directly support flying operations, including combat, combat support, and training missions. Inherently included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection, contingency planning, and policy formulation. Specific instruction on use of certain AFSCs Identify pilots with 11XX specialties appropriate to the type of missions and weapon system involved. Use the following prefixes to identify additional rated qualifications and experience, and unit manpower document positions that require these capabilities B - Squadron Operations/Maintenance Officer. C - Commander. F - Aircraft Systems Flight Evaluation. G - Automated Systems Program Designer. H - Military Consultant to the Surgeon General. K - Instructor for weapon system designated by AFSC. L - Life Support. M - Medical Service Special ist (Physiological Training Instructor). P - Pilot Required. Q - Standardization or Flight Examiner for Weapon system designated by AFSC. S - Safety. T - Formal Training Instructor. V - Automated Functional Applications Analyst. W - Weapons and Tactics Instructor. Y - Analytical Studies Officer. Identify pilots serving as instructor pilots in undergraduate pilot training and formal training units (FTU) with a T prefix. Do not award a T prefix to instructor pilots in operational units. Prefix K identifies these instructors and authorizations. In each fixed-wing major weapon system (MWS) specialty, use suffix R to identify pilots serving as Flight berprfung Program instructors in the T-3 or T-4. Use suffix S to identify pilots serving as Undergraduate Pilot Training Phase II instructors (T- 34/T-37). Use suffix T to identify pilots serving as Undergraduate Pilot Training Phase III instructors (T-1, T-38, or T-44). For classification purposes, Europe-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJ JPT) and Pilot Instructor Training (PIT) duty is included in the S and T suffixes. Pilots assigned to duty as Aerospace Physiology Instructors, after completion of formal training, may be identified by prefix M. The Chief, Flight Medicine, Air Force Medical Operations Agency, validates positions and awards the AFSC. Identify requirements for staff officers above wing level with a staff AFSC (11X4). Award individuals possessing a qualified AFSC (11X3) or a staff AFSC (11X4) upon assignment to a position so identified. Qualification level 3 designates a pilot qualified as an aircraft commander in the assigned specialty or credit. Level 2 identifies qualification as a copilot, if appropriate, for a specific system. Level 1 identifies rated pilots at the entry level for their specialty.?? Current aeronautical rating and qualification for aviation service according to AFI 11-402, Aviation and Parachutist Service, Aeronautical Ratings and Badges are mandatory for ?award and retention of p ilot AFSCs. landsee AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officers and Airmen) for policy on retention or withdrawal of rated AFSCs for personnel disqualified from aviation service or placed in an inactive status. The following is a complete listing of AFSC for the Pilot Utilization Field.? 11AX - AIRLIFT PILOT11BX - BOMBER PILOT11EX - EXPERIMENTAL TEST PILOT11FX - FIGHTER PILOT11GX - GENERALIST PILOT11HX - HELICOPTER PILOT11KX - TRAINER PILOT11RX - RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE/ELECTRONIC WARFARE PILOT11SX - SPECIAL OPERATIONS PILOT11TX - TANKER PILOT
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The magic potion that will save you from procrastination
The magic potion that will save you from procrastinationThe magic potion that will save you from procrastinationHere is the magic anti-procrastination potion for youAn Ounce of Self-analysisAs much as you cannot base your work habits on motivation alone?- ?its important to examine your deep desires and follow them.Becoming productive for the sake of productivity will not cut the mustardFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraWe are social animals. According to Jim Rohn, one of the finest business philosophers of the 20th century, our motivations come down to different groups of people.Some people are motivated by their social status in the eyes of their peers, some want to impress their mentors, others do all they can do for their families. The last category of motivation applies to the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.You need also to take an inventory of your talents, strengths, and p assions. We are naturally drawn to activities that we excel at. I have many talents, but I welches never attracted to art. I suck at painting and every other artistic activity.Daily habit JournalingEvery morning I write half a page in my calendar ruminating about my ambitions, fears, struggles and hopes. Do it every day and you will quickly create a base for the overarching self-awareness about your purpose and strengths.A Pound ofBasicsEverybody wants to be more productive, butvery fewpeople take care of their wellbeingfirst.You need a healthy body, mind and spirit to function optimally. Instead of focusing on mastering a time management framework, most of us would do better by simply getting enough sleep.The same goes with spiritual practices. Everybody wants to have infinite motivation, but very few try to regularly reach the only infinite Source with their prayers. I am an Energizer Bunny Ive worked insane hours for the last six years, but I draw my motivation from the divine, f rom Someone so much bigger than me.Daily habitsThus, I urge you to focus on basics first. Sleep enough, pray, exercise, read, hydrate yourself properly, train your mind, eat whole foods.Cover the basics, then think about productivity.One Dose ofWhyIts good that whatever you do connects with a bigger picture. Its also good to have a very personal motive for any particular goal you pursue.Part of Jim Rohns goal setting exercise was to ask yourself why you want to achieve this goal and if your answer doesnt sound convincing you shouldneverstart at the first place.I watchedan excellent videowhere comedian Michael Jr. asked a guy from the audience what he does.The man responded that hes a music teacher. Michael Jr. asked him if he could sing. The guy sang a few lines of Amazing Grace pretty well. Then the speaker asked him to sing like his Uncle just got out of jail and he was shot in the back. The guy sang SO much better with this why.Daily habitrefer to your personal mission statementE very morning I look at my vision board based on my personal mission statement. I also repeat my mission statement in my mind as soon as I open my eyes.My personal mission statement is my compass for life, something that deeply motivates me. Its not a temporary whim and it deeply connects with who I want to become.Oh, you need towrite your mission statementfirst, of course.A Pinch of SmartnessYou know, all of this time management mumbo-jumbo. It really makes sense, when you focus on your why first and cover the basics.Daily habitsSet only one priority for a given day. Tackle it first, before doing anything else.Keep a detailed time journal for two weeks.Write down all your projects.Break down bigger tasks into smaller chunks and repeat the process until each task is broken into its smallest subtasks.Prioritize and serialize the subtasks, taking note of interdependencies and tasks that have a specific order.Prioritize your to-do items and gruppierung time for each task.Take on the har dest task first each day.Exercise stepping out of your comfort zone.Prepare a list of filler activities in advance dont spend your energy on wondering what to do next when you have a few minutes to spare.Break big tasks into smaller chunks, so you can do them in the meantime.Use the Pomodoro technique.Reward yourself after doing the work.Take often breaks.An ounce of self-analysis, a pound of basics, one dose of why and a pinch of smartness. It works like magic. Procrastination doesnt stand a chance.This article first appeared on Medium.
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